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Raising American High-quality wagyu on our family-owned and operated ranch just outside Lockhart, TX!

Claim our favorite beef recipe 

"Check your spam box if you don't see our awesome recipe right away"- The Browns 


A note from the Browns.....

What is next!

Howdy Y’all,

After much inquiry, and now years of breeding, we have raised prime beef that is also
very natural.


This current selection are top of the line registered Wagyu Bulls on some of our
best Angus cows.


After two years they were then fed out for over a year on a chosen grain
program with no growth hormones. The Wagyu breed takes longer to get the kind of marbling
we desire........

American Raised Wagyu!

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Family Legacy for Brownsboro goes all the way back to 1850.....

American Raised Wagyu!

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